5 Insiders Just Put Their Cards On The Table

“Put your cards on the table” means to be honest with other people and to tell them one’s thoughts, plans, etc., according to Merriam-Webster’s definition. The idiom comes from poker games as players put their cards on the table to...
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There Is Something Going On

“I know there’s something going on’” is the refrain to a popular 1980’s hit. We had a similar, instant reaction when reviewing this week’s insider buying roster. When an 80’s hit pops in your head and there is a feeling...
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Intel Insiders Hitting The Cs

There’s a sticker on millions of computers, maybe one on the computer you are using to read that says Intel inside. If not, there is Intel Corporation (INTC) inside this week’s insider buy with a purpose report. All three Cs...
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A Crisis And A Cluster Of Insider Buys

Cluster buying amongst the top executives is one of our favorite insider buying with a purpose angles. A cluster buy is when multiple insiders from the same company purchase their stock simultaneously. In our opinion, we find it to be...
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An Insider Weed Buy At A Recent Low

Some weeks there is not a lot of meat on the bones of the previous week’s insider buys roster. Last week was boney for sure. However, there was one company that could satiate shareholders in the next 12-18 months and...
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The CBD CEO Is Betting On His Stock

Somebody once said you should make a bet every day because you might be walking around lucky and not know it. Every now and then, we come across a stock during our insider buying review that’s sort of like a...
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This Insider Shows How To Hedge Against The Cost Of Heating Your Home

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with an English Friar known at the time as William of Ockham. No doubt, you are familiar with what he is know for, “the simplest solution is almost always the best.” The philosophical theory known as...
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The Shoe Fits This Chairman’s Big Buy

Everybody’s had a Mother Hubbard moment; open the cabinet looking for something to snack on but there is not a lot there. Somebody left a single Oreo in the package. Why do people do that? Leave a single cookie, like...
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$150 Million Reasons To Consider This Insider Buy

Sometimes the money is so over the top ridiculous, you cannot overlook the amount spent. Two insiders at Oscar Health, Inc. (OSCR) purchased a combined $16 million of the insurance products and services company last week. (1) Chief Executive Officer...
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