Isracann BioSciences Inc.​


Isracann Biosciences, Inc. is an Israeli-based cannabis company. It focuses on producing low-cost cannabis. The company was founded on January 21, 2010 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.

Top 10 Reasons Why I Believe ISCNF is Poised to Succeed in the World’s Largest Cannabis Market



This paid advertisement includes a stock profile of Isracann BioSciences (OTCQB: ISCNF) (“ISCNF”). To enhance public awareness of ISCNF and its securities, the issuer has provided Promethean Marketing, Inc. (“Promethean”) with a total budget of approximately nine hundred and sixty five thousand ($965,000.00) USD to cover the costs associated with this advertisement for a period beginning 1 December 2020 and currently set to end 31 March 2022. In connection with this effort, Promethean has paid the author of this advertisement, DiGeorgia fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty ($15,950.00) USD in cash out of the total budget. The website hosting this advertisement, Daily Trade Report, is owned by Summit Publishing Group, Inc. (“Summit”), an affiliate of Promethean. Neither Summit nor Daily Trade Report have been paid to host this advertisement. As a result of this advertisement, Daily Trade Report may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. Promethean will retain any excess sums after all expenses are paid. James DiGeorgia is solely responsible for the contents of this advertisement. As of the date this advertisement is posted to the Daily Trade Report website, some or all of Promethean, Daily Trade Report, Summit, or James DiGeorgia, and any of their respective officers, principals, or affiliates (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Rule 501(b) promulgated thereunder) may hold the securities of ISCNF’s and may sell those shares during the course of this advertising campaign. This advertisement may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of ISCNF, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of ISCNF’s securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the advertising campaign has ended.

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